Posted by Charlie Weyerhaeuser on May 11, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 FOR THE MEETING OF MAY 17
Eleven members enjoyed a pizza dinner and discussing plans for the future.
The Nominating Committee, chaired by Paul, suggested a co-president arrangement for the 2017-2018 year of Cheryl and Fred.  Tom was suggested as the treasurer.
The Duck Race will be held on June 24.  Sales of tickets will begin on “May 24” (secret date). 
Volunteers to sell have signed up as follows;
Wednesdays, Bob H., George and Paul
Thursdays, Bruce and Bob J.
Fridays, Karl and Steve
Saturdays, Doug and Tom
The ducks tickets sell for; 1 for $5.00, 3 for $10.00 and 10 for $20.00.
Times of sales are 4:00 – 6:00 PM Wednesday to Friday and 9:30 – 11:30 AM on Saturdays.  The large commercial ducks will sell for $100.00 if the business has a duck from a previous year and $125.00 for a new duck and business.
The prizes will be $300.00, $200.00 and $100.00
Each member will be responsible to sell $50.00 worth of tickets.
Bob J. suggested giving out cards promoting Rotary while selling the tickets.  Fred would like to create a vibe at the Duck Race by adding to the Angry Duck activities, such as selling duck related items.
Fred stressed networking and making connections and, with this in mind, recommended that members accept an invitation by Lisa Fulton, the branch manager of Eastern Bank to a networking meeting at the Marshfield Country Club on May 24. Our membership in the Duxbury Business Association is also a way to network.
Steve, Linda, Fred and Diane, on the theme of networking, attended the Plymouth Habitat for Humanity dinner.  They heard a veteran who served in Afghanistan who spoke of the difficulties that are faced by returning service men and women.
Bob J. spoke for his scholarship committee about the 45 applications for scholarships received from Duxbury High School students and of the high quality of their presentations.  Many of the students give much of themselves to the community such as helping at food kitchens and working with the disadvantaged.
SCHEDULE: May 17, regular meeting.
FINES/RAFFLE: Bob H. served as the Sgt.-at-Arms and collected fines for Karl’s May birthday and Paul’s granddaughter’s birthdays.  Bruce R. has just finished a series of articles for an agricultural alumni magazine.  He also traded writing some articles for a beehive.  He won $2.00 in the raffle.