Posted by Charlie Weyerhaeuser on Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 for the meeting of June 21
Local organizations are combining efforts to help build housing for Veterans.
The Duxbury Lyons Club, Janet Cousins, the American Legion, John Magnarelli and John Heinstadt and Plymouth Habitat for Humanity, Martine Taylor, Executive Director, met with us to discuss building Vet Housing in Duxbury.  President Steve took the occasion to present a check for $1,000.00 to Martine for vet housing that was raised with the help of the American Legion and the Lyons at the Trivia Night.  A photo was taken for PR purposes.  Martine updated us on Vet housing on Temple Street - six units, one for Vet housing and one unit on Lake Shore Drive.  She encourages the town to start spreading the word to support Vet housing to others including town officials.  If you know if a vet who needs housing, to report it to her.  If you know of vacant land that the owners would donate or sell, let Habitat know about it.  Martine encouraged members to spend a day helping to build the homes and contribute $100.00 for the cause.
Fred reports that $2,000.00 has been raised through the Duck Race sales.  He has sold eight Mega Ducks and is about to purchase more ducks to sell.
Let Steve and Fred know if you are available to help run the race on Saturday, June 24.  Help is needed from 11:00 AM on.
Please pay your dues, “$90.00” (secret amount).
Also please pay $35.00 for Charter Night.
SCHEDULE:June 14, no meeting
June 21, Duck sorting at Steve and Linda’s house starting at 5:00 PM.
June 24, Duck Race
June 28, Charter Night at Disch’s Tavern, Pembroke.  Please pay Fred the $35.00 per person.
September 29, a Friday, The Duxbury Lions Club is sponsoring an October Fest at Snug Harbor from 6:00 – 10:00 PM.  This is their fourth year.
A date needs to be picked to meet our High School scholarship winners.